WSC Network – Aging

Lisa Finkelstein

Research Interests: Aging

My research interests focus on the aging workforce.

Faculty Page

Gwen Fisher

Research Interests: Aging, Health, Retirement

My research examines occupational health psychology, aging workforce and retirement, and work/family issues.

Faculty Page

Cort W. Rudolph

Research Interests: Aging, Lifespan

I study the aging workforce from a lifespan developmental perspective.

Faculty Page

Kenneth Shultz

Research Interests: Aging, Bridge employment, Career, Retirement

My primary research interests include mid and late-career issues, bridge employment, successful aging at work, and retirement. 

Faculty Page

Donald M. Truxillo

Research Interests: Age, Aging, Hiring, Design, Stress

I am interested in the intersection of aging and work, especially from the standpoint of job design and age stereotyping.  I also study worker stress and the impact of hiring practices on workers.

Faculty Page

Hannes Zacher

Research Interests: Aging

My research interests are in aging at work.

Faculty Page