Workers and Technology

Technological innovations are transforming what people do, how work is performed, and the subjective work experience.


a smart phone displaying social media app icons

Smartphones have expanded work across time and space, often eliminating traditional boundaries between work and non-work/family.


In healthcare, the application of new information technologies is forging new patterns of teamwork and pacing.


multiple crane machines in a factory

New robotic technologies are modifying the knowledge and skills attentional demands required for job performance.

The Center highlights the need to understand how new tools and systems affect learning, social relations, decision-making, and job attitudes. Understanding the impact of new workplace technologies on people also has important implications for career development and worker well-being. Research topics of interest include, for example:

  1. How changes in technology, workspaces, and always-on demands affect work-nonwork conflicts, work attitudes, and job stress.
  2. How changes associated with human factors engineering affect decision-making, engagement, and innovation.
  3. The features of new work architectures that spur creativity, innovation, and health.

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