Work Across the Lifespan

a smartphone with a baby's image facing an elderly woman

Work is a topic and activity central to the adult experience. In early adulthood people typically focus on choosing an occupation and managing the school to work transition. During midlife, goals and concerns shift to improving the work experience, career development and managing periods of unemployment. With improved health in later years and uncertain economic conditions, more people are living longer and working longer. For these workers major concerns pertain to when and how to disengage from formal work arrangements.

Workforce Entry

a person receiving their diploma at a ceremony

Young adults are beginning their careers later in life.

Bridge Employment

a bridge across a lake at sunset

Workers can delay retirement and stay in the workforce through bridge employment.

Post-Retirement Work

two perpendicular street signs that say work and retirement

Thanks to healthcare improvements, more people are returning to work after retirement.

Using a person-centric perspective, the Work Science Center seeks to encourage research examining the role of work histories, psychological, and contextual factors that affect employability, and the efficacy of interventions on job quality and the work experience.

For example:
1. What socio-cultural, occupational, and psychological factors promote later-age working life?
2. How can organizations facilitate work-related life-long learning and employee engagement throughout careers?
3. What is the relative efficacy of different cognitive-behavioral strategies to mitigate mental health issues and concerns during job search and unemployment?

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